
Thursday, May 25, 2006

My First Nedor

I've been drooling over all the juicy Nedors on the CGC Message Boards Gold Comics Section for a long time. The Schomburg war covers featured on many Nedor titles dovetail in nicely with my interest in the Action Comics war covers.

So, I finally picked up my first Nedor with a Schomburg cover. It's not a war cover, but it's a doozy anyway. Bondage, Headlights, Human Sacrifice, Satanic Half-Human, Half-Animal priests, KKK type robes and Schomburg... what more could a comic geek want?

Fighting Yank #11, March 1945

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Next Blog >> Roulette

I often like to click the Next Blog button at the top right of Blogger blogs. I've found some interesting stuff I'd never have stumbled across otherwise.

That said, has anyone else noticed that there are an increasing number of porn and pyramid scheme type blogs? I guess that's to be expected on a free service such as this, but it used to be the worst offense you'd run across was the Oh-so-deep-and-wise 17 year old drama queen sharing every inane thought genre.

Further, almost 50% of the blogger Next Blog hits are now blogs in a foreign language. Not a problem per se, but it would be nice to be able to filter English Only or have a built-in blog translator. I would like to see what folks in other countries are writing about, but I will never know how to read any Asian or Arabic language. On a good day, I can get the gist of something written in Spanish or Italian. That's almost 3 languages... what more can be expected of me?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Superman Punches Out Japanese Zero Pilot

Mixing my interest in WWII Action Comics covers with original art, I recently won this Action Comics 63 cover recreation on eBay. Scott Kress of Catskill Comics and Art is the artist.

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The logo is a paste up, but it's not accurate for this actual issue. So, I have obtained a high res image of the logo and price block from this issue and I plan on adding the more accurate reproduction to the piece.

Amazingly, I placed a lowball bid of $36 on this cover reproduction and won. Not a bad deal. If the original exists, it would certainly fetch tens of thousands of dollars.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Another Winning WWII Cover

Here's another Action war cover going into the collection.

On a message board, someone wrote that this seems like an inefficient way for Superman to fight the Japanese. Bear in mind, at this time, Superman only had super strength (and he was bullet proof.) He could also leap great distances, but that was about it.

It was later that writers endowed him with powers like heat vision... which of course, would have allowed him to wipe out the entire Japanese army fairly quickly.

From September 1944...

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Another Action Off The Wantlist

The past several weeks have seen some nice -- and typically uncommon -- books surface. With these Action War covers, it seems like feast or famine. You won't see an issue for months, then you'll see several appear at once. It may strain the budget, but you have to strike quickly when they appear.

Check this one off my wantlist. Typically, I define the WWII covers as books depicting Superman fighting Nazis or Japanese soldiers or war machines. That said, many collectors consider Action 56 a war cover. I guess one could presume these are Nazi or Japanese missles he's punching out. From January 1943...

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Not Enough Hours in the Day

I've been on somewhat of a buying spree lately, but I've been funding most of it with proceeds from items that I've been selling on and off eBay. The problem is that it takes a lot longer to sell than it does to buy. There just aren't enough hours in the day for the gathering, scanning, uploading, etc. One of these days I'll get a few hours to myself and get some more items on eBay.

As I may have noted around the first of the year, my goal this year was to begin trimming the fat and building lean, mean collecting mass. That is, I'd rather have one $400 item than twenty $20 items. I think it's all part of the maturation as a collector to want to focus on quality rather than quantity. It takes great discipline to avoid the quick collecting fixes and impulse buys... I've been fairly successful, but not perfect.

In keeping with the Conan original art theme, here is a Conan sketch by Cary Nord.

I'd love to have a published page, but to the best of my knowledge, he has not released any of his Conan pages.